We promote academic excellence in our students by keeping standards of our education and testing at a high level. Our student - teacher ratio is designed to ensure that every student receives the utmost in individualized attention.
At our Nursery level, students gain a firm foundation for their primary education in an environment of creativity, fun and love.
Teaching Staffs
Non Teaching Staffs
A very clear and shared mission and vision for the school.The team behind our School are considered as pioneers in the field of school education. Nothing is left to chance.
Our Curriculum bifurcates child's learning style, academic strength and weakness in mind . Our systematic planning and execution ensures that minute attention is given from cleanliness to academics .
Our Teachers are Qualified and motivated with perfect blend of knowledge and quality. It enforces the positive influences on students achievement.
Online learning is the future of education, and it is happening right now with us. eLearning, mobile learning, distance education; all of these technologies are providing access to information and skills
Sports in our school prepares students to face the challenges of life. Playing sports teaches lesson of life such as teamwork, accountability, self-confidence, responsibilty and self-disclipine .
Self expression is encouraged and embraced in performing arts. There is no right or wrong way and all opinions are considered. Children discover their strengths and weaknesses and develop ways in which they can overcome new challenges.
We develop student's sense of unity and teamwork through our clubs. It enables students to meet , mix and collobrate with other students with different background.